LIVE, Orders, Substitutes

Yes! Unlike similar games, Goleada matches are actually played LIVE (no pre-calculation like the others). Any lineup change or team order is made as soon as possible and you can see the result of your decisions.
During the LIVE match, you can make up to 3 substitutions and give as many orders as you need.
It is based on probabilities. Better skilled players have a better chance of following orders, making good actions or competing against opponents.
Two halves of 15 minutes each, with a 5-minute break in between - 35 minutes in total. In tournament matches, if there is no winner, there is extended time (2 periods of 5 minutes each), 1 minute rest. If there is still no winner, penalty shots are taken.
No. Your players will follow the tactics you set them in advance. Or the default one.
Each match is played only once. No matter what happens, matches are never replayed.
Leagues and Tournaments
Leagues, Seasons, Schedules

Goleada leagues are based on real-world countries. If there are not enough managers from a country, they compete in the Regional League until there are enough to move to their own league.
Top league, 2 second-level leagues, 4 third-level leagues, etc. 8 teams compete in each league. Each season - the first one wins promotion, Playoffs for the 5-th and 6-th, Relegation of the 7-th and 8-th positions.
The season is exactly one calendar month, 12 seasons per calendar year. More than 18 matches per season.
There are many international club tournaments - The Cup of Champions, The Goleada Cup, The Cup Winners, The A-Cup, and The B-Cup. There are also national team tournaments.
Making Choices
Earning strategy, Long-term strategy, Match tactics

Goleada is a game of choices. A lot of choices - long term and daily decisions. You can read about some of them below, but there are many more.
What are the best players for a winning squad? Which positions are important? Which skills are a must-have, and on what level should you stop training?
What is the best lineup for my squad? How to position them? What are the weakest areas in the opponent's lineup? How to score? Etc.
National Teams
National team tournaments, coaches, elections

Two competitions are held once per 4 seasons - The World Cup and The Continent Cup. The NT tournaments are just for fun, no awards for the trophies.
The manager of the national team selects the best players from their country and competes against the other countries in the NT tournaments.
The NT coach is elected by all managers from their country. There are elections before every cycle - Continental - World tournament.
Chat & Articles

There is a chat room during every game. You can comment, discuss, advise, joke and have fun with other spectators.
You can share your proud moments with the community. You can comment on success, games, events, etc. with your friends and the managers around.
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